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Make Art. Be Seen. Get Hired.

Breakthrough Digital Marketing Strategies To Effectively Sell Your Scientific Illustration Services Online

Are you struggling to find qualified clients for  your scientific illustration work and services?

(It's the story of you... and the rest of us)

Does this sound familiar? You've spent countless hours, days, perhaps even years, meticulously mastering the intricate art of scientific illustration. You’ve got a profound dedication and passion for capturing the complexities of science and nature.

And yet... Despite this remarkable expertise, there's an echoing silence when it comes to finding and getting clients.

This story is too common and deeply frustrating: Stunning science visuals hidden away from the world. Not due to a lack of talent, but because the pathway to showcase your art to the world remains uncharted and daunting.

"Houston, we have a problem"

As an illustrator, you speak in the language of precision and beauty. Every stroke of your brush, each line you draw, tells a story of the wonders of science and nature. Your illustrations have the power to turn abstract concepts into tangible art that clearly communicates even the most complex ideas.

But here lies the heart-wrenching paradox...

In a world teeming with digital noise and endless content streams, your work sits quietly in the corners of your studio or lost in the depths of your digital portfolio, unseen by the eyes that need it the most. Frustrating, isn't it?


This situation not only means that your art is utterly unappreciated. But also the insurmountable loss of potential clients and income. You know, the stuff that helps you buy food, pay rent, and cover all other necessities.

You know for a fact that your art is good. You know for a fact that all branches of science could largely benefit from better illustration... And you’ve experienced first-hand how difficult it is to capture clients in this noble profession.

It gets worse...

You've probably witnessed less skilled illustrators getting the spotlight and landing all the big clients and contracts. And it’s not for the quality of their work, but for their knack in marketing themselves.

I know how much it stings. I know how frustrating it is. I know how unfair it feels.

But here's the hard bitter truth...

In today's world, creating great art isn't enough. Your ability to market your art is as crucial as the art itself.

And this is where the disparity cuts deepest. You’ve spent years painstakingly becoming an expert in your field, only to find yourself at a loss in the world of hashtags, SEO, inbound campaigns, digital outreach, and an endless line of increasingly complex marketing concepts.

The language of marketing seems foreign, and the abundance of strategies and tools is completely overwhelming. And with so many voices fighting for your attention (and your wallet), you don’t know who to listen to or where to start.

But one thing is clear...

If you don’t change things, your meticulously crafted illustrations are doomed to continue gathering digital dust. And your finely honed skills will continue to go to waste.

Don't fret - a solution is at hand!

What if you could change this narrative? What if you could claim your rightful place in the market, not just as a talented illustrator, but as a savvy marketer of your own brand? Things would undoubtedly be different... Right?

Imagine a world where your scientific illustrations don't just exist. Instead, they are out in the world - thriving, captivating, educating, and spreading the knowledge.

The journey from the shadows of obscurity to the limelight of recognition is not a distant dream. It's a path that can be walked, a skill that can be learned, a story that can be rewritten – starting NOW.

"People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe."

- Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek



Digital Marketing For Scientific Illustrators

"Smart Business" is more than just a course - it's a journey of transformation. A deep dive into marketing tailored specifically for scientific illustrators, addressing the very heart of your unique challenges and opportunities.

It’s a digital marketing course that speaks your language, understands your art, and respects your dedication to science. A bespoke program for scientific minds that doesn't just teach you marketing but integrates it seamlessly with your passion for illustration.

This one-of-a-kind program is about turning the whispers of your talent into a roar that echoes across the digital landscape. It's about ensuring that your illustrations are not just seen, but sought after. And your talent and skills are not just admired, but commissioned.

Here's what we'll cover:

Module 1

Digital Marketing for Scientific Illustrators

In this module, we'll embark on a journey through the dynamic world of digital marketing, customized for scientific illustrators like you. We'll begin by exploring the profound significance of digital marketing within scientific illustration.

Delving deeper, we'll demystify essential concepts and terminology, ensuring you have a solid foundation. And because every journey needs direction, we'll guide you through setting personal and professional goals that will shape your path.

PLUS, you’ll get a step-by-step guide that shows you how to turn those goals into actionable marketing tactics and strategies that you can actually implement. In other words, I won’t just tell you WHAT to do, but show you exactly HOW to do it.

  • Why (and how) should you market your scientific illustrations online
  • Why digital marketing is intricately tied to your craft (way more than you imagine)
  • What are the key concepts you need to know if you want to succeed online
  • The right way to define your professional goals as a scientific illustrator
  • How to turn those goals into actionable marketing strategies

Module 2

Building a Rock-Solid Marketing Foundation

In this module, you’ll discover how to establish a solid bedrock for your marketing journey. This is a mission-critical step for developing a strong and recognizable personal brand.

We’ll start by defining your target audience and deciphering their precise wants and needs. We’ll also build a compelling UPS that makes you stand out and get noticed in this hyper-competitive digital landscape.

This module is solely focused on setting the stage for success by establishing realistic goals for your digital marketing endeavors and building an unshakable foundation for your digital marketing ventures.

  • Expert strategies to pinpoint your target audience with surgical precision
  • How to gain a deep understanding of their needs (and what to do about it)
  • How to stand out in an overcrowded marketplace with a clear USP
  • How to develop a pro-level personal brand as a scientific illustrator
  • How to set realistic goals for your marketing and succeed
  • How to craft an irresistible “Elevator Pitch” that doesn’t make you sound like a sneaky snake-oil salesman

Module 3

Building an Engaging Website

During the course of this module, you'll discover how to strategically plan, design, and execute an effective hub for your digital marketing endeavors.

I'll guide you step-by-step through the strategic process of planning and designing a remarkable conversion-focused website. We'll cover which elements are a must, and which ones will actually hurt your lead-generation efforts.

And once your website is done, we'll go over the exact strategies you'll need to craft valuable content that attracts, engages, and converts your visitors into white-hot leads.

  • The surefire method for planning and designing a user-friendly website
  • How to optimize your website to rank on the search engines (SEO)
  • The right way to showcase your portfolio (and other visual content)
  • How to write compelling sales messages that actually sell your services
  • Wizard-level tactics that quickly turn your visitors into qualified leads

Module 4

Leveraging Social Media as a Scientific Illustrator

In this mission-critical module, we're diving into the dynamic realm of social media and uncovering how it can propel your journey as a scientific illustrator.

Every social media platform is diametrically different. And for that reason, each one tends to attract different segments of an audience. During the course of this module, you’ll learn to identify which ones you need to use to reach your goals faster... and which ones to avoid (so you don’t waste your time or energy).

Finally, you’ll discover how to craft a finely tuned social media strategy that speaks directly to your target audience.

  • How to analyze the social media landscape objectively
  • How to use Instagram to showcase your work (and get leads!) 
  • The hidden power of X (Twitter) for scientific illustrators
  • How to use LinkedIn to network and succeed
  • YouTube strategies for scientific illustrators (and animators)
  • Facebook techniques that every scientific illustrator should know
  • Pinterest for scientific illustrators
  • Behance for scientific illustrators
  • How to develop a social media strategy tailored to your target audience

Module 5

Content Marketing for Scientific Illustrators

Content marketing for scientific illustrators isn't just about showcasing your artwork; it's a dynamic storytelling tool that transforms complex scientific concepts into visually engaging narratives, captivating and educating audiences simultaneously.

This novel approach not only elevates your artistic profile but also plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between intricate scientific data and the broader public, making your work not just seen, but deeply understood and appreciated.

In this module, we’ll focus on unraveling the true significance of content marketing. You'll discover how to unlock it's raw power. And you'll learn how to use it to build a highly targeted audience.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • What content marketing truly means for illustrators
  • How to develop a content marketing strategy aligned with your goals
  • How to craft magnetic content that gets consumed and shared
  • How to leverage the different content distribution channels
  • How to measure the success of your content marketing endeavors

Module 6

Email Marketing & Lead Generation

For every scientific illustrator, email marketing is an indispensable strategy. It's a way to convert your inbox presence into a personal relationship hub that directly reaches and resonates directly with your target audience.

Keep in mind that this is not just about sending emails; it's about building a community of followers who eagerly anticipate each illustration, creating a loyal audience that appreciates, shares, and invests in the art of science visualization.

In this module, we’ll unlock the true influential power of email marketing. You’ll discover how to turn your email messaging into a powerhouse tool that builds connections, nourishes long-lasting relationships, and transforms casual browsers into red-hot leads eager to hire your services. We’ll explore:

  • How to build a targeted email list and generate leads
  • What it takes to create compelling email campaigns and newsletters
  • The secrets of email automation for efficient lead nurturing
  • Demystifying analytics to optimize your email marketing campaigns
  • Critical compliance and best practices to steer clear of trouble

Module 7

Paid Advertising for Scientific Illustrators

Paid advertising is like launching a high-powered, targeted beacon into the digital world, illuminating your work to a broader yet specific audience who are most likely to be enthralled by their unique fusion of art and science.

This strategy isn't just about buying visibility; it's a potent tool for carving out a distinct niche in a crowded market, ensuring that your meticulously crafted illustrations don't just exist, but vigorously thrive and captivate the eyes of those who value the beauty in scientific detail.

This module will show you how to kick open the floodgates of targeted traffic and reach those who are most likely to hire you with laser-like precision. PLUS, you’ll learn how to start without breaking the bank and scale it all smartly as your business grows. Here’s what you’ll discover:

  • What are the top paid advertising channels for scientific illustrators
  • How to set up and skillfully manage ad campaigns
  • How to track and measure the impact of your paid ads
  • How to save money on ads with data-driven decisions
  • How to budget and optimize to maximize your return on investment (ROI)
  • The smart way to use retargeting ads to engage potential clients
  • How to keep your ads both ethical and compliant

Module 8

Legal and Ethical Considerations for Scientific Illustrators

Running a scientific illustration practice extends far beyond the realm of creativity and artistry. It requires a keen understanding of multiple legal and ethical frameworks that underpin the business side of your practice.

This is particularly true when you're diving into the world of active promotion and marketing, you need to navigate these waters with both caution and insight.

In this comprehensive module, we'll delve deep into these often-overlooked aspects, providing you with essential knowledge and critical insights. You'll learn how to effectively and ethically market your work, while also ensuring that your business practices comply with legal standards, setting a strong foundation for sustainable success in the competitive field of scientific illustration.

  • Understanding the legal aspects of copyright for your art
  • How to maintain ethical standards as a scientific illustrator
  • How to stay ethical while promoting your practice through marketing
  • How to stay compliant to protect yourself and your client

Module 9

The Next Steps...

Staying ahead of digital marketing trends is not just about being current; it's a strategic move to ensure their visual narratives reach and resonate with a constantly evolving audience.

Embracing the latest digital trends as scientific illustrator, not only enhances your visibility but also ensures that your work is showcased through the most impactful and innovative channels, keeping their art both relevant and accessible to a broader (but still targeted) audience.

This important module details strategies focused on ensuring your growth and continued relevance as a scientific illustrator. This is what we’ll cover:

  • How to stay ahead of digital marketing trends
  • How to strategically future-proof your scientific illustration practice
  • How to develop a long-term marketing strategy that doesn’t wear you out
  • How to plan and easily follow your own roadmap to success

"The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try."

- Debbi Fields

Debbi Fields

Find your ideal clients - The easy way!

By now, you understand that those who make the most money in any field, industry, or profession are not necessarily those who have the most knowledge, are most experienced in their craft, or sell the highest quality service.

No... Those who make the most money, charge the top fees, and are constantly in demand are those who are best at selling and marketing themselves.

And that’s precisely the edge that SmartBusiness will give you.

Once you acquire the skills to market yourself and your illustration services, you’ll never struggle again. Because instead of wasting time chasing clients all day long, you’ll put every hour of your day to good use and have clients chase YOU instead.

With SmartBusiness, you will be able to:

  • Learn proven lead-generation strategies to reach your target audience, wow them with your work, and turn them into cash-paying clients.
  • Stand out from all the competition in your industry - and offer clients such enormous additional value that you win out over your competitors almost every time.
  • Cause your prospects to want to hire you with such intensity that objections either vanish - or, if they don't entirely disappear, they’ll no longer prevent potential clients from pulling out their checkbooks.
  • Never undercharge again. Inside the program, you’ll discover how to structure your prices, quote projects like the pros, and get paid what you’re worth.
  • Eliminate fear and anxiety when talking with prospects and following up leads... gain incredible confidence in yourself and the value of your services... and develop a self-assured attitude that attracts new business like a magnet.
  • Become part of a grass-roots movement that promotes and creates demand for scientific illustration services. Fostering relationships with scientists, doctors, researchers, and other professionals from all around the world.

Your success is 100% GUARANTEED

Listen, I know I’ve made some pretty bold claims in this letter. And I truly believe each and every one of them. And that’s why I’m going to take all the risk off your shoulders and place it squarely on mine by offering you a...

100% Money back guarantee

Try the SmartBusiness program for 90 days. Go through each module. Learn the skills. Put everything you learn to the test and experience the life-changing results.

If, for any reason (or no reason at all), you don’t LOVE the program and what it does for your business... simply send me an email, and I’ll issue a quick and friendly refund. No hard feelings. No questions asked.

Your illustration career changes TODAY

It’s time to put a final stop to the cycle of sporadic projects and uncertain income. And replace it with the ability to consistently attract high-paying clients, land the dream projects you’ve always wanted.

SmartBusiness is not just a course; it's a transformational journey tailored for scientific illustrators like you. It's the rock-solid bridge between your talent and the recognition (and remuneration) that you  know you deserve.

This comprehensive program teaches you the art of marketing yourself online – a skill that's no longer optional in today’s digital world, but absolutely essential. Best of all, with this mission-critical skill, you’ll be set for life. Because you’ll finally be able to:

Showcase Your Work & Talent

Position yourself in the market in a way that highlights your unique skills and makes you stand out from the crowd.

Master Client Aquisition

Learn the secrets of acquiring clients in a way that turns them from one-time customers into long-term patrons of your art.

Build a Strong Online Presence

Create a digital footprint that resonates with your ideal clients, engages their curiosity, and makes them come to you.

Maximize Your Earnings

Say goodbye to the uncertainty of irregular income and command the prices you deserve and build a stable, flourishing career.

Your time is NOW

Just imagine waking up every day knowing that your calendar is booked with exciting projects, and your bank account reflects the value of your skills.

Don't let your talent go unnoticed and underappreciated any longer. It’s time to take control of your career, amplify your market presence, and finally achieve the financial success that matches your artistic prowess. What are you waiting for? Click the button below to start right now.


One-Time Payment of Only $200

Act FAST and You'll Receive...

FREE Early Bird Bonuses!

If you place your order on or before Sunday 19 May 2024, I’ll include THREE amazing bonuses:

Bonus #1 : A $50 value, yours FREE!

Building Client Relationships & Collaboration

This bonus report will help you master the crucial art of fostering meaningful, long-term connections and collaborations to further your scientific illustration career.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Foundational communication strategies for success
  • How to manage client expectations to ensure mutual satisfaction
  • How to successfully manage projects with unrivaled client service
  • How to create more impactful work by collaborating with scientists, researchers, doctors, and other professionals
  • How to establish a compelling industry presence through your network

Bonus #2 : A $47 value, yours FREE!

Striking the Perfect Balance in the Life of a Scientific Illustrator

Illustrations take time. Marketing takes time. Life gets in the way. With this bonus report, you’ll discover how to harmonize every aspect of your professional journey to ensure a fulfilling and balanced life.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Effective time management tricks using cutting-edge tools
  • How to balance your artistic craft with continuous learning
  • How to find the sweet spot between growth and well-being
  • How to manage success and expectations as an illustrator

Bonus #3 : A $97 value, yours FREE!

The Illustrator’s Legal Kit (Freelancer Edition)

You’ll get instant access to 3 essential documents you’ll need to protect yourself legally and ensure smooth sailing for all your copywriting projects:

The Freelance Scientific Illustrator Contract
This is the exact freelancer contract that I use when hired by a client to work on a project. Copy/Paste the content into your own document, add your own logo and fill in the parts highlighted in yellow. You'll have a working contract ready in minutes.

The Scientific Illustrator Retainer Agreement
Some clients require ongoing work. This retainer agreement outlines your responsibilities and makes things crystal clear for both yourself and the client. Copy/Paste the content into your own document, add your own logo and fill in the parts highlighted in yellow.

The Scientific Illustration Work Invoice
This one is a little bit old-school, but if you're just starting out, it will work in a pinch. I suggest moving to an online invoice generation tool (like Intuit Quickbooks) as soon as you can. Most online processors like Paypal and Wise have great invoice generation tools as well.


One-Time Payment of Only $200

Frequently Asked Questions

Is "Smart Business" suitable for beginners in scientific illustration?

Absolutely! Whether you're just starting out or have been in the field for years, "Smart Business" is designed to elevate your marketing skills to match your artistic talent. The program provides step-by-step guidance that caters to all experience levels.

Will this work if I’m a different kind of illustrator (not scientific)?

Unfortunately no. Scientific illustrators are a breed of their own - with very specific needs, requirements, and a very select clientele. This program is built from the ground up with their needs in mind.

I'm not tech-savvy. Will I be able to keep up with the strategies?

We've tailored "Smart Business" with the understanding that not everyone is a digital native. The course breaks down complex concepts into easy-to-understand modules, ensuring you can confidently apply these strategies regardless of your technical background. That being said, there are plenty of things that require specialized knowledge. And I’ll show you how to find and hire talent to help you cover those areas.

How time-consuming is the course? I'm already very busy.

We value your time. The course is structured to provide maximum value with minimal time investment. You can follow along the program at your own pace, fitting the learning into your busy schedule.

Will this course really make a difference in my client acquisition?

Absolutely. "Smart Business" is more than just theory; it's a practical toolkit. You'll learn real-world strategies that have been proven to effectively attract and retain clients in the field of scientific illustration.

Is the investment worth it?

Consider this: The skills you gain from "Smart Business" can potentially lead to a substantial increase in your income. By learning how to market your services effectively, the course pays for itself many times over. PLUS, your investment is protected by an iron-clad 90-day money-back guarantee.

How is "Smart Business" different from other marketing courses?

Unlike generic marketing courses, "Smart Business" is specifically tailored for scientific illustrators. It addresses the unique challenges and opportunities in our field, ensuring the strategies are directly applicable to our kind of business.

What if I'm not satisfied with the course?

Your satisfaction is our top priority. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee – if before 90 days of access (and implementation), you feel the course isn't the right fit for you, we provide a hassle-free refund process.

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